Studio Classes
individual painting tuition in oils or acrylics
Suitable for wherever you are on your artistic journey, beginners and experienced painters. Produce a finished painting in oils or acrylics and a series of sketch book studies. Wednesday mornings 10.00 till 12.30. £30 a session. Bookable in 6 week blocks but don’t have to be consecutive week, teaching is based on individual development so you won’t “miss’ anything if you have a week off.Bespoke teaching in small groups maximum 6 participants. Landscape/Still life/Abstract.
saturday workshops at the studio
A Rolling programme throughout the year including “Expressive Still Life” “Expressive Landscape” “Stripes and Squeegees” “Abstract Painting” “Expressive Portrait Painting” all taught by Liz. !0.00-4.00 £65 to include all materials and tea/coffee.